Monday, July 12, 2010

No Role Model

A new model came in today to pose for H's class. She, apparently, is some piece of work. She was rude to everyone there, including the teacher and the class monitor who is responsible for setting up the models and the poses. We'll see what happens tomorrow. When the model left the room today, the monitor turned to H and said, "Well, when this is over, I'm just going to paint horns on her."

The painting is a work in progress. The pencil sketch that follows was done just in preparation.

Apple watercolor done in the apartment

This morning I went to the park to walk. I had no plan of where I was going, I just chose a path when faced with options.

The statue of the Falconer

Poets' Walk

Shakespeare in the Poets' Walk

Looking south toward Columbus Circle

H and I went to lunch and then did a few errands. We had dinner at a restaurant on our street and then made it back to the apartment in time to watch "The Bachelorette," H's favorite show. It was so sad that Kirk didn't get a rose.

I'm off to bed now.

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